Wednesday 25 March 2009

Stop new coal power stations in the UK

As part of the Carbon Fast, Tearfund have asked us to take action and treat climate change as a justice issue. We can take action to stop new coal power stations now!

Climate change is happening now, and it’s hitting the poorest hardest. But the UK government is set to give the go-ahead to new, coal-fired power stations which would emit massive amounts of greenhouse gas. Please urge the government to say ‘no’ to new coal power stations.

If built, Kingsnorth power station will release 8.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year – more than Kenya’s annual emissions. (Source: Earthscan, The Atlas of Climate Change, 2006. We are finding that climate change is already affecting the world’s poorest people through floods, droughts and rising sea levels. But poor communities produce only a tiny fraction of the greenhouse gases that are causing climate change. The average annual emissions of a UK citizen are 32 times higher than a Kenyan. (Source: Earthscan, The Atlas of Climate Change, 2006)

With one hand, the UK government is striving to get climate change under control. It has introduced the Climate Change Bill to cut UK emissions and is working on an international climate change agreement.

But with the other hand, the government is doing the opposite – looking to approve new, coal power stations, beginning with Kingsnorth in Kent. These will make it nearly impossible for the UK to make the emissions cuts promised in the Climate Change Bill.

Tearfund is mobilising Christians and churches to ask the government to say ‘no’ to new coal power stations and promote renewable energy and energy efficiency instead. Take action.
Find out more and send an e-mail to Gordon Brown here
Please take action. We need to act urgently to ensure that the government works to prevent climate catastrophe for the world’s poorest people.

Please pray

* That the government will take the right steps to promoting clean energy in the UK
* That the government won't build new coal-fired power stations
That Christians will set an example with their lifestyles in protecting creation and living in a way that doesn’t harm poor communities"

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