Saturday 4 September 2010

Friday 14 May 2010

What is too big for God?

Chritian Aid poster
"Ending poverty is too big a task", it said..

It's no bigger than eradicating smallpox.
It's no bigger than liberating Europe from the Nazis.
It's no bigger than putting a man on the moon.
It's no bigger than bailing out the banks.
It's no bigger than abolishing slavery.
It's no bigger than ending apartheid.
It's no bigger than bringing down the Berlin Wall.
It's no bigger than creating the internet.
It's no bigger than digging a tunnel to France.

It's a big ask, but I really believe it is possible. In fact I know it's not just possible - It is in fact promised. There will be a time when there is no more sin, sickness and suffering, and incredibly we are invited to be partners in bringing it about. Kingdom come.

Andy Flannagan, 28/07/2009

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Praying beautifully. Krish Kandiah

Thursday 8 April 2010

Voting ethically

All of us are at different places on the political spectrum. Votewise Now will not tell you how to vote, just help you vote according to your conscience. Careful thought and deliberation are needed to make informed decisions. From Jubilee Campaign

The General Election Quiz: Are YOU ready to vote?

Thursday 18 March 2010

The power of compassion

In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Haiti, many people have been asking the inevitable question, "Where is God?"

C.S. Lewis asks this question in his book A Grief Observed. "Meanwhile, where is God?... When you are happy, so happy that you have no sense of needing Him, if you turn to Him with praise, you will be welcomed with open arms. But go to him when your need is desperate, when all other help is vain and what do you find? A door slammed in your face, and a sound of bolting and double bolting on the inside. After that, silence."

There was a time when, in the presence of those who suffer, I would blurt out pre-rehearsed lines or sophisticated apologetic solutions that hung in the air like lead balloons and had little or no impact on the recipients.

Then it was my turn to be on the receiving end. Lying desperately ill in hospital, many visitors came and went. Bible verses galore piled up at my hospital bedside. Don’t get me wrong - the fellowship was a blessing. It’s just that I couldn’t make sense of my suffering. Then a distinguished senior clergyman whom I worked with came to my bedside, said nothing, but held my hand and wept. Something broke inside me, and I wept to. It seemed to me that somehow God was validating my suffering. His tears joined with mine.

Compassion is a powerful thing. How come we are so poor at demonstrating it?

So much of the world’s suffering is self-inflicted. But God save us from indifference! As the white spot fades on the TV, and images of Haiti, and the slaughter of innocents in Iraq, disappear from our screens, the truth is that the suffering of this fractured world doesn’t disappear. It goes on and on.

You and I must never give in to compassion fatigue, or become de-sensitised to the pain of God’s world. God give us back our tears, and grant us the naivety that compels us to compassionate acts of mercy over and over again. Maybe our own brand of suffering can be salvaged and turned into something more powerful than we could ever hope for.

Where is God in our suffering? I don’t know all the answers, but I do know that a God of love has put me here for such a time as this.

Eddie Lyle, Open Doors, from his blog

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Wednesday 10 February 2010

What feeds us

"Christians feed on Scripture. Holy Scripture nurtures the Holy Community as food nurtures the human body. Christians do not simply learn or study or use Scripture; we assimilate it, take it into our lives in such a way that it gets metabolized into acts of love, cups of cold water, missions into all the world, healing and evangelism and justice in Jesus' name, hands raised in adoration of the Father"
Eugene Peterson. Eat this book 1999

Thursday 4 February 2010

God gazer

I was sent this brilliant heartfelt cry expressed in a poem by Malcolm Duncan which really spoke to me

I want to be a God-gazer,
captured by the brilliance
that springs from the radiance
of You.
I want to be a God-gazer!
Not a cheap food grazer
or an easy option lazer.
I want to be a trail-blazer
for the ordinary, everyday life.
I want to be a God-gazer -
not just copying the halcyon ways
that shimmer brighter in the haze
of by-gone rays and the good old days.
I want to be a God-gazer!
Looking beyond the trappings of success,
cutting through the stucco of respectability
like a laser piercing darkness.
I want to be a God-gazer!
Reaching for the stars and
seeing beauty in the moment by
becoming fluent in the language
of the God Who is here, Who is now.
I want to be a God-gazer
until my imagination is saturated;
until my thirst is sated;
until my passion is stirred;
until my intellect is stretched
as far as it can be;
until my yearning yearns
for others to be free.
I want to be a God-gazer -
not a meetings manager
or a people pleaser
or a 'tea and sympathy' vicar -
not a leadership trainer,
not just a speaker
but a seeker.
I want to be a God-gazer...
and for a moment I want God
to gaze through me.
I want others to see
His eyes
and Love
above everything else in me.
I want to be a God-gazer
captured by the brilliance
that springs from the radiance
of You.

I want to be a Life-giver
not a life-sucker.
I want my life to be releasing
not appeasing or placating.
I want to be a Life-giver,
A drainpipe without blockages,
A circuit without stoppages,
A connector without breakages.
I want to be a Life-giver!
A 'you can do it' releaser,
A 'have a go' preacher,
A 'you were born to do this' pastor.
I want to be a Life-giver -
Seeing rivers flow, not die,
Seeing others rise and fly,
Helping friends reach for the stars
even if they sometimes miss.
At least they can say they tried.
I want to be a Life-giver,
Generous in spirit and in heart,
Letting the forgotten make a start
at being Life-givers, too.
I want to be a Life-giver
because I am a God-gazer
not because it's about me
but because it's about Him
because life can't spring
from any other 'thing'.
I want to be a Life-giver
connected to the Source
and pointing to the Son -
standing in the shadow of the Light
celebrating Him.

I want to be a World-changer
not just a furniture re-arranger
or an 'it could be better' winger
or a 'have the left overs' stinger.
I want to be a World-changer!
A doer, not just a talker.
I want to spread the clothes of heaven,
No more or less than a poor man's dreams,
beneath the feet of Jesus.
I want to be a World-changer -
'Cos on a morning many winters ago
the tomb was open
and the curse was broken.
Death had to let go
and re-creation burst out
of an old wineskin
like water from a geyser,
Like the cry of a child
pushed into the world
and nothing
would shut Him up.
I want to be a World-changer
because it's started...
because the vanguards on the move...
and love is pushing out hate
and light is shining out
and darkness can't understand it
beat it
change it
hide it
kill it
stop it
I want to be a World-changer
because there's safety in this danger.
There's meaning in this purpose.
There's joy in this mission
and too many others are missing
the power of life in all its fullness.
World-changer? Life-giver? God-gazer.
God, break in - then break out
Fill - then make me leak.
Plug me in and push me out.
In me, through me, around me.
Make me a Patrick.
Make me a Brendan.
God-gazing, life-giving, world-changing.
Captured by the brilliance
that springs from the radiance
of You.

Malcolm Duncan
January 2010
(c) Malcolm Duncan
For more info, please contact

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Trafficking and Haiti after the earthquake

  1. See Rev. Mark Driscoll's harrowing reflections on going to Haiti reported in USA today:
  2. Great work in Haiti- churches are helping churches
  3. Also Nicolette Gramms from International Justice Mission comments "In today's world, the twin causes of human slavery -- poverty and vulnerability -- increase exponentially after natural disasters... Even without the pandemonium unleashed by a 7.0 earthquake, an estimated quarter-million Haitian children are trafficked (into slave labor or the sex trade) within the country each year."
  4. For further information don't miss Richard Brown from IJM in Newcastle coming to speak at Heaton Baptist on March 7th

Friday 15 January 2010

Haiti earthquake

Haiti earthquake

See information here about giving and praying from the Tearfund website

Tearfund is dispatching emergency aid funds to help survivors of the earthquake that has shattered impoverished Haiti.

Thousands of people are missing feared dead after a quake measuring seven on the Richter Scale struck the Caribbean island on 12 January.

Many buildings have been destroyed or badly damaged in the capital Port-au-Prince, including the presidential palace and the five-storey UN offices.

Tearfund is in Haiti, responding to this disaster. Please give what you can to support our work using the form below.

Tearfund is also part of the DEC joint-agency appeal for Haiti. If you'd prefer to give to the DEC, rather than Tearfund, please click here

Haiti earthquake

Don Miller's says this on his blog

Back in the day, the comment Pat Robertson made today would have infuriated me.
Robertson essentially blamed the devastation that took place in Haiti on the idea that, generations ago, people in Haiti sold their souls to the Devil and are now paying for it. I’m reminded of a similar comment made in a debate on CNN, in which yet another religious figure blamed the devastation in New Orleans following Katrina on the debauchery that took place in that town. Luckily, or perhaps providentially, Tony Campolo was also on the show and pointed out that the French Quarter was fine, that it was low-income minorities who were devastated, and then asked his fellow guest point blank whether God was angry with low-income minorities. The other guest really didn’t know what to say. Any answer would have painted him a loon.

Regardless, Robertson’s comments further divide people of faith from, well, people of faith. I don’t want to debate the theological ramifications of Robertson’s statements, I only want to point out some perspectives that ease my anger, and instead, cause me to pity him. I consider this a more mature response than I would have had a few years ago. Here are a few perspectives that, hopefully, will keep you from throwing a stapler through a wall:

• Many controlling personalities are drawn to the idea of a severe, vengeance oriented God. Robertson must have read a book about Haiti at one point, but it lacked civility to cite that book and espouse an absurd theological idea on television, without context for both. It was reactionary, and came off as a manifestation of his personality, not his theology. Regardless, it was sadly irresponsible for him to make such a devastatingly shocking statement in the context of great hurt. Can you imagine giving the eulogy at a funeral and starting out by saying “before I tell you about God’s grace, let me make it clear that little Johnny deserved to die because he stole candy from a store.” There is something wrong with a person who would do this. These people are often, themselves, controlling. They are wired to build empires, and in order to build empires you have to get people to do what you say, and if you have God standing behind you threatening hurt and pain, you can motivate people. I’ve heard pastors pray and call other men cowards, get angry from the pulpit, yell, belittle other Christian pastors who don’t agree with them, fire people who will not submit to them, surround themselves with yes men and so on. Sadly, they never point the finger at themselves. It’s always YOU or THEM who are the sinners. When they need God’s grace, they usually confess to studying too hard or caring too much. But compassion comes when you realize, and it doesn’t take long to see it, that this person is afraid that if he gives anybody else a free will, they will use it against them. Their mantra is: If I don’t control people, they won’t love me. Psychologists see control as a response to a perceived threat. Picture an adult with an inner twelve-year old saying “I’ll hurt you before you hurt me. I’m tough. I say tough things. Don’t mess with me again.” In religion, these leaders often project their way of seeing the world onto God. Please forgive me for painting Robertson with a sweeping brush. It’s not always true of controlling people, and there are often good reasons to be harsh and to take action (for instance, when somebody really is trying to control you!) It’s just that this is one of the understandings that has helped me respond to controlling people with more compassion. Theologically, what we all deserve is death, and Christ paid that for us. We live in the New Testament, not the old. Lets spread God’s unconditional love.

• Another truth that gives me a more grounded perspective on Pat Robertson is that he really doesn’t represent most conservatives. I come from a politically and religiously conservative family, and many, many of my friends are very conservative, and all of them would be in shock at Robertson’s statements. The media would have Robertson represent all Christians, or perhaps all conservatives, but the idea is absurd. It’s also important to let people know we think it’s absurd. So here is what the Devil is really going to try to get you to do: Hate other people. Those conservatives, those Christians, those whoever…I think we’d be wise to watch out for that, and stop it at the point where it starts.

• I’ve also found that the more I trust in Christ’s redemption to be sufficient, the less overtly religious I am. And, quite honestly, the more suspect overtly religious people become to me. When I’m with somebody who talks zealously about faith, about Jesus, about the Bible, after a while, I find myself wondering whether or not their faith is strong at all. For instance, if I were with somebody who kept talking about how much they loved their wife, going on loudly and profusely, intuitively I would wonder whether or not they were struggling in their marriage. I would wonder whether they were trying to convince me they loved their wife, or if they were trying to convince themselves. (Now that I think of it, though, some of my favorite people talk about how much they love their wives, but these are less public proclamations and more sighs of appreciation.) Faith in Christ, for me, is similar. It’s intimate. I’m more comfortable giving quiet prayers, intimate prayers. Often alone, in fact. I speak of faith the way I speak of personal matters. Of course there is a time for proclamations, but that’s the key, isn’t it? There’s a time. Anyway, I love that the New Testament is mostly intimate letters written to small groups of people who met in homes. I like the quiet authenticity of our faith. Robertson’s loudness and shock-jock verbiage seems strange and oddly uncompassionate. It felt like he was trying to tell us how tough he was, not how compassionate God is.

haitianschoolcollapseAn appropriate response to Haiti:

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in..”

An appropriate response to Pat Robertson:

“You seem angry and tired. Christ loves you. He is not impressed with your religious posturing. He really loves you. You don’t have to hide behind anything anymore. The good news really is that good.”

* I understand that many of you will want to comment on the theological truths you’ve found that support Robertson’s comments, and also on the good that Robertson has done. Regarding the latter, this was not a blanket dismissal on Robertson’s life or ministry, it was a response to a comment, regarding the former, it’s a debate I ask you to take somewhere else. Also, this isn’t meant to harshly judge Robertson, it’s meant to calm those who might want to throw a tomato at him, while also trying to understand why somebody could make such an insensitive comment at such a painful time. Lets put our tomatoes down.

* For those thinking this blog was too harsh, please understand that in one passing comment, Pat Robertson painted an entire nation as Godless, and deserving of destruction. Reports from Haiti have stated that many fled into the streets, crying out to Jesus for help. Robertson, by referencing an obscure book of unknown origin chose to prejudice an otherwise ignorant Christian audience of gullible and trusting viewers. I propose, then, this post needed to be written. I only wish more Christian leaders would speak during moments like this.