Tuesday 18 August 2009

Justice and Mercy-which do you choose?

Given the choice I'd choose mercy anytime. I'm a bit of a softy, and besides, I know my own weaknesses and limitations better th\n most, so I'm so grateful for the mercy of God. I don't earn it or deserve it, but its freely given. I'd like to think I am merciful in the way I behave, but the truth is I don't follow God's example as much as I'd like to believe. In the way I act I often want justice, I prefer fairness, and if they have wronged me I feel I deserve to have justice. So how does God balance the scales of justice and mercy. Is he a divine softy, or a stickler for retributive justice. The truth is neither. He has the benefit of the big picture, seeing every detail, viewpoint and valuing every person, and he looks eternally. His love is balanced by his holiness, his power by his service and sacrifice. Never mind the wisdom of Solomon, God's wisdom in dealing with us is so much greater.
So what does he want from us? To be like Him, we are made in His image and his is transforming us to be like Him. "What does the LORD require of you, To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly before your God."

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad we called ourselves Justice and Mercy group! Whilst I've been away I've had some interesting conversations with other Christians. They were frustrated with a tax system that doesn't always reward the good, honest hard working citizen, or an NHS service that would meet the needs of an assylum seeker rather than the citizen who's paid for their service and therefore deserves to be treated before the other. Issues aren't always clear cut are they? How I pray for wisdom, but equally I know what my heart says. Jesus died on a cross for all, none of us get what we deserve. I love his message of grace.
